
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Accessory Inspiration: Flower clip tutorial

Since having my baby girl, I have become a bit obsessed with making all kinds of bows, and fabric flowers.  I found a really cute flower at a boutique shop, but thought it was too much money.  I thought it would be easy enough for myself to make, and it was!

Materials Needed: Fabric (I used a cheap silky fabric)
Sewing Scissors
Needs and thread
Alligator clip (or any other clip you want to use)
Glue gun

The first thing I did was fold my fabric over, and pin it together.  Then I cut it in a curvy pattern. I like to start out bigger, and go smaller and smaller as I cut. I think it makes it look more like a real flower that way.  Anyway you want to cut it, it should work.  

Next step is to run the thread through the bottom, just a quick baste stitch.  I find it easier to start at the smaller end first.  Make sure you knot the thread, and gather the fabric as you go.
The picture above is not very good, but it is my fabric all gathered to the size I want it.  Once I have it gathered to how I want it, I tie a knot at the end.
After it's been gathered it's pretty easy to glue it into a flower.  I just twist it and glue it until I get the shape I want.
Next I cut a little piece of felt and cover it in glue.
(Ignore the ugly carpet)
Then I glue it to the bottom of the flower.  
I did not want the fabric to fray, so I burned the edges of the flower.
To get the flower to stay best in my daughters hair I have found it is easiest to just use a little bit of felt on the clip.  I then glued the flower to the piece of felt that I had already glued on the clip.

There you have it, a quick and fun flower for your hair, or your little girls!  So easy, I have already made several of them in different colors and sizes!

This week we are participating in these linky parties. 


  1. This is so cute Jessica! And You're little model has the most darling hair-do!
